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Design Review
Orchard Farms Metropolitan District is a covenant-protected community. The intent of the Architectural Review Committee is to serve the Orchard Farms Metropolitan District by protecting home values and maintaining a cohesive appearance that makes our community unique.
ALL exterior changes must be submitted for and receive approval PRIOR to the changes being made. Follow the instruction page on how to submit requests through CINC. Below is the instructions form and Link to the Website. Once a completed request is received, the Committee will complete their review within thirty (30) days. Homeowners will be notified, in writing, of the Committee’s decision.
Please note: there can be penalties for making exterior changes without approval. These penalties can be costly and will be corrected at the homeowner’s expense. We strive to work with homeowners to prevent this from happening. Thank you in advance for your help!
Basketball courts
In order to provide owners with more detailed information as to the installation of sport or basketball courts, the District will be updating its guidelines and hopes to have them completed by early Summer 2024. Until then, any applications for approval of the same will be placed on hold pending the guideline updates.
CINC Registration and Instruction Form
Design Guidelines - Revised May 3, 2023
Design Guidelines Amendment, effective September 1, 2022
Recommended Plant List
Fencing Guidelines
Architectural Request Form
Approved Fence Stain Colors:
Ready Seal - Natural Cedar - No. 112
Behr SC 146 Cedar Solid
Clear Protectant
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